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Pigment Paste for Textile Printing
Pigment Preparations

Pigment Paste for Textile Printing

Pigment Paste for Textile Printing
999 brand Pigment Paste for Textile Printing is a pigment dispersionused for patten printing of cloth. It has complete chromatogram,brilliant color shade, high color strength, find particles, good fastness,good chemical resistance. It requires short process by simply bakingafter printing without soap washing.Disclaimer: This information is based on our present state ofknowledge and is intended to provide general note on ourproducts and their uses. It should not therefore be construedas guaranteeing specific properties of the products describedor their suitability for particular applications.

Code Commodity Name Light






9001 Fluo. Cerise FSB 4-5 3-4 3(4) 3(3)
9002 Fluo. Yellow Orange FSGR 4-5 3 3(4) 3(3)
9003 Fluo. Lemon Yellow FS10G 3-4 3-4 3(3) 2-3(3)
9004 Fluo. Red Orange FSBG 3-4 3-4 3(3) 2-3(3)
9005 Fluo. Golden Yellow 3-4 3-4 3(3) 3(3)
9006 Fluo. Green FS4G 4-5 4-5 4(3-4) 3(3)
9007 Fluo. Scarlet FSG 4 4 3(4) 3(3)
9008 Fluo. Pink FSRB 4 4 3-4(4) 3-4(3-4)
9010 Fluo. Rubine FSR2B 4-5 4-5 3-4(4) 4(4)
9011 Fluo. Violet 4-5 4-5 3-4(4) 4(4)
9012 Fluo. Blue 4 4 3(3-4) 3-4(4)
9013 Fluo. Blue 4 4 3(3-4) 3-4(4)
9110 Brilliant Red 3-4 4 4(4-5) 3(3-4)
9111 Scarlet FFG 3-4 4 4-5(4-5) 3(3)
9112 Scarlet FFG 3-4 4 4-5(4-5) 3(3)
9113 Cerise FITR 5-6 4 4(4-5) 3(3)
9115 Bordeaux FR2B 4 4-5 4(4-5) 3(4)
9116 Red Violet FFRN 3-4 4-5 3(4) 3(3)
9117 Red Orange FGRN 4 4-5 3(4) 2-3(3)
9118 Pink FRB 4 4-5 3(4) 2-3(3)
9118A Pink FRB 4 4-5 3(4) 2-3(3)
9119 Rubine FBB 4 4-5 3(4) 3(4)
9120 Rhodamine 4 4-5 3(4) 3(4)
9202 Medium Yellow FG 3-4 3-4 4-5(4-5) 3-4(4)
9204 Golden Yellow FGR 6 4-5 4-5(4-5) 3-4(4-5)
9205 Golden Yellow FGR 4 3-4 4-5(4-5) 3-4(3-4)
9206 Orange FGR 5 3-4 3-4(3-4) 3-4(3-4)
9220 Brilliant Yellow F7G 6 4-5 4(4-5) 3-4(4)
9221 Brilliant Yellow F7G 6 4-5 4(4-5) 3-4(4)
9301 Blue FFG 6-7 5 3-4(4-5) 3(3)
9302 Brilliant Blue FBL 6-7 5 4(4-5) 3(3)
9303 Turquoise Blue FGB 6-7 5 4(4-5) 3(3)
9304 Navy Blue FR 6 5 4(4-5) 3(3)
9304A Navy Blue FR 6 5 4(4-5) 3(3)
9401 White FTW 6-7 4 2-3(4) 3(3)
9401A White FTW 6-7 4-5 3-4(4-5) 3-4(3-4)
9402 White (Cover Print) 6-7 4 3(3-4) 3(3)
9403 White (Cover Print) 6-7 4-5 4(4) 3-4(3-4)
9501 Black FBRN 6-7 4 4-5(4-5) 3(3)
9502 Blue Grey FFB 6-7 3-4 4(4-5) 3(3)
9601 Green FB 6-7 5 4(45-5) 3(3)
9603 Brilliant Green F4G 6-7 4 4-5(4-5) 3-4(3)
9701 Violet FFRN 6-7 5 4-5(4-5) 4(4-5)
9702 Violet FFRN 6-7 4-5 4-5(4-5) 3-4(4)
9801 Brown F2R 4-5 3-4 4-5(4-5) 3(4-5)
9802 Brown FRL 4-5 3-4 4-5(4-5) 3(4)

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